Let's Make Some Cool Money Origami in Wausau WI!
So you decided to tip your favorite bartender with a money origami in Wausau - how nice of you! Or, maybe you actually decided to do something else with your money but wanted to check out our origami page anyways - that’s nice too.
We discovered there are a ton of money origami tutorials online. Some are quite easy and some are extremely complicated. We picked out a selection that we thought would be fun for you to start with, but by all means, feel free to do whatever origami you want.
We’d love to see your final art, so once you’ve finished creating your masterpiece, please snap a photo and share it on your Facebook page. Tag us (@RetireWithBuska) and the establishment where you saw our coaster and add #moneyorigami to your post.
All fun aside, if you are nearing retirement or are already retired and are in need of help from a financial professional, we would love the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your specific retirement goals and strategies. Contact us today for your complimentary consultation.
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